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Week 4


  • Setup POST endpoint for finetuning models.
  • Enable AutoTuneNLP for text classification tasks and create a template to add more tasks.
  • Integrate Celery and Redis for task queue management.
  • Add PUT endpoint for data updation.
  • Integrate BART to AI-Tools.

Screenshots / Videos


  • Commit: Finished setting up training endpoint and Celery support.
  • Commit: Automation support for text classification.
  • Commit: Endpoint for data updation.
  • PR: BART to AI-Tools.
  • Raised an issue to enable dynamic model loading in AI-Tools.


  • Midpoint Demo Showcase PPT.
  • The reviewer shared the link on Model Cards to take a look at, to draw inspiration if we plan to implement generating descriptions for models being finetuned via AutoTuneNLP.